[Disclaimer: The World of Pern is copyright (c) to Anne McCaffrey 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern (R) is a registered copyright. No profit-making or copyright infringement is intended. ] Spectreth + Jisanth Clutch @ 8/9pm EST Friday, May 29, 1998 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Logged from T'lor/Jisanth's perspective) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Jisanth) [*] Spectreth responds, summer's heat marked tenfold in her mindvoice. The simple << Yes. >> is given uncomfortable emphasis. (Jisanth) Hatching Sands (Jisanth) Waves of heat hit you like a flash fire as you step onto the sands. After your eyes adjust to the dimmer light, you see what can only be described as a sea of sparkling white sand filling the huge cavern. Along the stone walls that keep the sand in place are a series of drawings showing the history of the cavern. Many talented stone carvers and painters have given life to past hatchings and many other scenes from daily life of the dragon pair. Looking up you see the countless ledges where the dragons greet the newest members to their Weyr with bugles and the galleries where residents, crafters and holders can watch the magical scene of a hatching... (Jisanth) The following dragons are here: Spectreth. (Jisanth) Perched on the rim of the gallery, you see Foghorn and Warratah. (Jisanth) You see a cot here. (Jisanth) From here you can go: (Jisanth) Entrance Up (Jisanth) From the Galleries, Aurie shuffle-shiffles in, a dusty trail rises behind her like an ever-present tail. A dart-eyed glance about assures her of the location, and a grin is flashed at those present. (Jisanth) Gamma has arrived. (Jisanth) Spectreth settles, but not for long. One spot can not be decided upon and each time she sinks into the sand, she rises again after a mere moment. Shifted, moved again -- relocated until one spot suits her. She sinks into sandy expanse and waits, casing a glance towards bronze sand-mate and Lifemate in turn. (Jisanth) [*] Zorath twirls shades of white about, never settling on one, while she wafts the scent of nutmeg about. << Yes what? >> she questions. Hatching Sands The following dragons are here: Spectreth and Jisanth. Perched on the rim of the gallery, you see Foghorn and Warratah. You see a cot here. Gamma is here. From here you can go: Entrance T'lor rushes in behind the trailing tail of his dragon. "Jisanth, we can't st--" His words are sliced off with the immediacy of what is before him. Not thinking, he swears. From a ledge above, Janna seductively swishes toward Galleries. From the Galleries, Janna has arrived. From the Galleries, Sarilka smiles. "Hello Janna." The arriving T'lor is given a glance. Brief. Gamma takes up most of Spectreth's momentary attention. Long golden neck cranes in her Lifemate's direction, eyes whirling with excitement and impatience. Marigold tail lashes the sand directly behind as if the mere motion is enough to call forth the awaited activity. Softly crooning to Jisanth, Spectreth twitches slightly. From the Galleries, L'ren has arrived. From a ledge above, Kosanth has arrived. From a ledge above, Grabbing the riding straps, M'sery swings down to Kosanth's bronze leg and hops to the ground. From the Galleries, Sasha has arrived. Not a fast pace nor a flutter of wit Does Gamma give the situation, stepping onto the sands with the presence of mind to unbutton her jacket and remove it, throwing it over her shoulder. "Do you /have/ to do this in the middle of the evening /every/ time, dear one? After twenty clutches you'd think you'd have outgrown the nighttime clutching thing." A soft hand is run over the gold's leg as she nears and leans into her. "It's okay, Lady. We can do this one more time," she says softly. From the Galleries, Sarilka backs towards where her friends are gathered, watching the sands with interest. From the Galleries, Janna blinks "Hi Sasha, I hope you don't mind me watching From the Galleries, Sasha plops down next to L'ren, smiling like a prize wherry. "Hi 'Ren!" she coos quietly, fluttering her eyelashes. From the Galleries, Plop goes the Aurie, onto the cold stone of a rare empty bench. An elbow jars a burly Smithcrafter, grumbling to find himself next to one so grime-clothed. "S'all so 'citing." feet twist and kick at the ground. The smithcrafter hrrms, harrumphs and scoots in the opposite direction. From a ledge above, T'arla walks gracefully toward Galleries. From the Galleries, T'arla has arrived. From the Galleries, L'ren trots up the steps into the galleries, sending a wave to those he recognizes. Finding a seat with a reasonably good view, he settles down to watch the show. T'lor sighs around his cursing lips as he approaches the watching form of his lifemate. "Oh," he says on seeing Gamma. Of course, she'd be here. Eyes search out all that is not her, not settling on any one thing. Spectreth gives Gamma a look as if to say 'Yes, I simply /must/ interrupt the Weyr's evening activities yet again -- it's part of my charm'. Adoringly, her head swings around even more towards Gamma, though the movement is caught short by another minor twitch. This time, onlookers may notice that it was more a ripple down the length of her belly then anything else. From the Galleries, Calla heads down from the ledges, tosses a wave and hello at those she knows and finds a place semi-comfortable place to watch the sands from. From the Galleries, T'arla hops on down from the ledge, and waves to all and sundry. Oooh, lookie who's all here. Waving to people she knows, she nudges her brother in the shoulder, and then takes a seat nearby to watch the show. From the Galleries, Ziggy drapes himself over the nearest perch and passes out, snoring happily away. From the Galleries, Nyzlann settles himself in a small corner to watch the clutching. From the Galleries, Aurie squirms, head tilted awry and every-which-way to get a better view of this. This she's heard about, this, her nightly entertainment, this, a chance to ease her shoulder of the milk bottle bag that clinks as her squirming continues. From the Galleries, K'mra follows after T'arla, jaunting down from the ledge. A wave and a slight nod of the head, and the rider slips into an unoccupied seat near the other brownrider. Prodding T'arla in the shoulder, she jerks a thumb towards the sands below. "Look." From the Galleries, L'ren scoots over a bit so his sister T'arla can plop down beside him, then gives her knot a playful tug. "I only just heard. Congrats." From the Galleries, Sarra has arrived. From the Galleries, Sarra pops in from ::between:: From the Galleries, Sarilka smiles and chuckles softly. "Look at her stomach move...reminds me of my mom when she had my sister..." she smiles at the fond memory, before turning her attentions back to her friends, then to the sands. From the Galleries, Sasha grins at Janna, "Mind? Well, if you should ask anyone if they mind, Spec's the one laying eggs." she chuckles a bit and eyes T'arla for a for moments before scooting a tiny bit away from her. Jisanth's talons slip into the heat of the sands, curling past the glittering grains to the scorch beneath. A low croon begins first in the gleam in his faceted-orbs, to ripple down to the smooth sisal hide of his chest. From the Galleries, Troika has arrived. From the Galleries, Fontaine has arrived. From the Galleries, Fontaine arrives. From the Galleries, T'arla chuckles, and tugs on L'rens knot in turn, "Mm, congrats yourself bro" she replies, plopping into the proferred seat, "Hi Sasha" she greets affably. Maybe the knot's making her delusional, she's being friendly. Gamma turns to T'lor, smiles, "Is Jisanth okay?" This is old hat for the goldrider, and the gold whose nuzzle she holds. "Are you sure the beauty won't burst his chest of pride over there?" From the Galleries, Sasha wiggles a few fingers at K'mra, of course, but settles down to watch the 'show', irreguardless of T'arla's presence. T'lor shows at first a smirk, melts to a strange smile. "He's fine. This is only his second, though I doubt he remembers even that." On the memory, the gaze of his eyes shifts beyond Gamma, unfocusing. "He's fine." From the Galleries, Saibet has arrived. From the Galleries, Saibet arrives. From the Galleries, Janna sits in a corner, watching, afraid to make a sound From the Galleries, Maia slips into the galleries, stopping just briefly to glance around before heading towards the back. Finding a seat well enough way from everyone, but still with a decent view, she sits. And now, she watches. From a ledge above, Chorith tires himself out with all the questions that only he, that singular sensation, can think of, and promptly starts snoring. The unbroken expanse of pure white sand is broken at last. Spectreth pulls away from Gamma's hold and drags herself across the sand, trailing marigold tail behind. She pauses, grunts deeply in Jisanth's direction and settles into the sand. The first egg is carefully planted in the sand's care before she moves away to begin the process again, turning to inspect it. As she does so, yet another tremor overtakes her and forces her to crouch again. From the Galleries, K'mra promptly waggles digits at Sasha in return. How sweet. T'arla just gets another poke -- "How come I didn't hear until earlier today?" she teases. Spectreth shifts, dropping her head down and reaching her neck out gracefully. A veteran at this, her golden radiance shimmers, rippling with the contractions that follow the length of her form. Eyes glitter like a star-filled night, blue and green consumed by borealis of hues before her lids slip over orbs one by one and one last push shows the fruit of this last laboring: Softly Shimmering Comet Egg slips out on cue, rolled birth-wet and glistening into the warmth of the sand. From the Galleries, Sarilka smiles and exclaims softly. "What a beautiful egg!" From the Galleries, Saibet watches the eggs, getting some interesting ideas for fabric treatments and some dyeing techniques she might try... From the Galleries, T'arla bats the poker in question playfully, "Didn't want to advertise it" she murmers, and grins, before seeing an egg appear, "Ooooooooh, my, they certainly are gorgeous. I'll never tire of watching this" Jisanth inhales the scent of egg, sand and Specreth. Nostrils flare out to gather up all that they are, mixing the messages in both mind and hearts. Wings fan out gently at his sides, not enough to be emposing but the relaxed pride of a father-to-be. From the Galleries, Troika slips inside carrying her shoes, toes wiggling against the dusty stone floor of the galleries. She sneaks as close as she can, as quietly as she can, standing on tiptoes to get a good view. It's hard, though, because she's so short. From the Galleries, Camigwen has arrived. From the Galleries, Camigwen arrives. From the Galleries, Aurie leans in, breath sucked in at short spurts. "Bebbie...beebies that haven't bloomed yet." Or in shells, is the translation, as she twists all into her own perspective. Her own eves seem to whirl. As her world explands, taking in theis new experience. "Much purtyer than when them beebe herderbeasties are born, all wet an' slimy." she notes the the Smithcrafter, who grimices, and harrumps once more. From the Galleries, Sarilka grins at Aurie. "Blooming babies, Aurie? Like a rose, or a redfruit blossom?" From the Galleries, Saibet smiles down at the little harper, and steps back a bit to give her more room in the front...she can look right over the kids head, after all. From the Galleries, K'mra snorts quietly. "Sure." A smile flickers, though. "My, lookit that one," she murmers, pointing. "Indeed. Ever time, it's different." Spectreth makes sure the egg is sandbound, firmly planted and covered high on each side. Nearby Gamma is given a glance, then a double-take. She peers. Oooh, a /bauble/! It must be meant for her. Certainly it is. Neck cranes, reaching towards Gamma's head, but just as her Lifemate's head comes within reach, Specreth freezes and stiffens. What a time for another egg to decide to make itself known. Trinket is forgotten, for the moment, and the egg is laid with deceptive ease. Now. Back to that .. ooh, did I lay /that/? Spectreth inspects the ostentatious shell. Jisanth, will ya look at that. We did good. From the Galleries, Camigwen slides into the room, crawling past humans and flits alike. A wave and grin is tossed to people she knows as she creeps into a corner, where the sands are visible clearly. "A good spot to watch. Now, what's going on? A dragon laying eggs?" the puzzled look on her face is directed at a small girl shaking next to her. From the Galleries, Troika smiles up and steps into the vacated space, murmuring, "Thank you vurry much." From the Galleries, Aurie noddles to Sari, pleases to recive a response that does not include harrumphs. From the Galleries, Julesli has arrived. From the Galleries, Julesli arrives. From the Galleries, Kaeden has arrived. From the Galleries, Kaeden arrives. From the Galleries, Saibet smiles over the kids head...manners! "You're quite welcome...this way we both can see...how beautiful!" She gazes out at the newest egg, and starts thinking of ways to make that look, on a wall hanging maybe. From the Galleries, Aurie noddles to Sari, pleases to recive a response that does not include harrumphs. "Theys all scrunced up..." she folds her hands into a tight ball. "Untill the beebies bloom." and the fingers spread open, and wiggle. she grins, and observes. From the Galleries, T'arla watches all the people cram up into the galleries, and squirms uncomfortably in her seat. A grin is flashed back K'mra's way. "Brings back memories hmm?", her eyes glancing back and forth from the sandsm to the ledge, and then back down to the galleries, "The eggs just seem to become more beautiful each time wouldn't you say?" From the Galleries, Illana has arrived. Spectreth shimmers with effort, both difficult bearing down and the easier final push Dark meets light; one last grunt is given as the lightless shadow meets bright calming shleter of hot sand. Light Swallowing BlackHole Egg reveals its phantom self and settles down -- nestled against clutchmates -- to begin to dry and harden. From a ledge above, Nunth lands neatly on the ledge and furls her wings. From the Galleries, Julesli walks in huffing slightly from her journey, having heard of the impending clutch from the other traders. Julesli looks around for a familiar face and seeing Nyzlann, she moves over there. "Nyzlann... How are things? Do you mind if I sit with you?" From the Galleries, Nyzlann just continues to sit and watch quietly, a slight smile creeping as the first few eggs are layed. From a ledge above, Pralanth dozes off... From a ledge above, Lisa'n slides down from Nunth's neck, landing with a muted slap upon the ground. From the Galleries, Sarilka says, "Wow, what a pretty one!" From the Galleries, Sasha wrinkles up her nose, since the crowds in the galleries are forcing her to sit very near T'arla. Oh well, at least she has to be that close to L'ren, as well! "Ooh! Look at that one!" she says, pointing. "Reminds me of Zora's egg." A happy smile plasters itself on her face, the brownrider momentarily forgotten. May has arrived. From the Galleries, Nyzlann perks, that one he seems to like quite a bit. He watches on, not wanting to miss anything. May skips in and keeps to the wall for a big, giving Lady /lots/ of room and then cuts across to her Mamma, tuggin on her skirt, "Lady makin eggs?" From the Galleries, Camigwen spys a boy about her age peering intently onto the sands. "Hello," she smiles towards Nyzlann. "Have we met?" Brow is arched and head tilted. From the Galleries, Nyzlann blinks, seeming to have missed what was being said in the excitement. He spots Julesli and waves ehr over and points to the sand. His eyes dance, "Things are fine here....Aren't they wonderful?" T'lor glances down at the entrance of small form, then frowns. He starts to say something negative, but stops with lips a flapping at the tug on Mommaskirt. From the Galleries, Nyzlann looks up, isn't he the popular one? He grins, "No, I don't believe so. Nyzlann here, you can call me Nyz." He offers a hand in greeting. Lady - er, Spectreth, is indeed making eggs. She pauses though, surveying the beginnings of clutch thus far. Child-tugged-at Lifemate is sought; Spectreth's eyes scan for Gamma's presence. Search is cut short as her belly ripples again. The gold crouches lowly and stops suddenly, tail stretching outward as not /one/, but a succession of two eggs are left in her wake. From the Galleries, Aurie's eyes widen, squint, revel in their deep green and forest tones. They take in this like a sponge, filtering nothing, remembering everything, to later be relesed in a well deserved ramble. From the Galleries, Julesli leans over and stares unabashdely at the glowing Queen and quietly sucks in her breath, startled at the sight of the eggs. "My goodness, what a sight!" May sticks to her mamma's leg, grinning as she watches Lady pop eggies, her little hand raising up to wave to the golden beauty as she looks their way. Spectreth pauses, nostrils flaring wide as if t inhale the heated summer night's air that bakes into hide and shell alike. A glimmer begins to form first on delicate snout, rippling down to caress dainty forelimbs and on to culminate into a sudden powerful thrust. Rainbow Gleaming CannibalGallaxies Egg spills forth, ready for admiration, praise and the hardening heat. Gamma peers down at her daughter and immediately picks her up, smiling and pointing. "Yes, dear. See her putting them in the sands and then covering them?" She slips her glance over to T'lor, and asks, noting the attitude. "You have an objection to your daughter watching her parent's dragons clutch?" Or just children in general? She leans forward and rubs Spectreth's soft hide, a calming gesture, for herself. T'lor just watches May at first, then uses the next coming forth of ovoid to ignore the reunion so near him. Unable to pretend for too long, he sighs. "No," comes the simple, and curt reply. From the Galleries, Camigwen nods faintly as the child-waif next to her mutters in her ear. "Yes, yes, they are grand," she acknowledges. An eye almost stares at the new eggs which seem to be flying out. Head turns to murmur back in the girl's ear. From the Galleries, Janna blinks and realized that she had put the moves on the Weyrleader, ohhh boy. The touch to Spectreth's hide seems to have a calming affect on her as well. Gamma is crooned at as the gold is given a slight break between moments of relieving herself of eggs. May clings to mommy quite easily as she is lifted up, grinning as Gamma touches Spectreth, and then holding her own little hand out, "I pet Lady?" shining grey eyes, like her fathers, glitter with her own bit of pride, not a bit afraid of the rather large Lady before her. An exorbitant grunt is offered to Jisanth; certainly the small egg that just emerged wasn't difficult to lay. Spectreth turns to eye her handiwork -- Jisanth of course gets no credit for /this/ one. The shell is emblazoned with a dizzying array of faux gemstone colorings. The gold's lingering glance is cut short by the need to thrust another egg into cradle that the hot sand offers. From the Galleries, Julesli looks on with admiration at the gleaming sight and quietly murmurs to Nyzlann, "Each one is beautiful in it's own right...it's a shame I can't get some glassmaker to try to imitate them so I can trade miniature glass eggs" From the Galleries, Nyzlann smiles, "Indeed that would be nice." From the Galleries, Julesli grins From the Galleries, Saibet turns her head slightly, noting who the trader with taste is, so she can be sure to stop by that ones wagon next gather. From the Galleries, Alanis has arrived. From the Galleries, Alanis arrives. Spectreth ripples over the sun-kissed swirls of honeygold that define her hide more than usual wiht the next contraction. With barely a rustle of midsummer's sunset wings, the next egg emerges in the hollow of sand dappled forr such a purpose. Nebulous Refracting OortCloud Egg nudges into place in a flip of dam's marigold tail-tip: it dries to even stronger beauty under her watchful eyes. From the Galleries, Alanis walks toward Viewing Ledges. From a ledge above, Alanis has arrived. From the Galleries, Camigwen pulls out a small pillow that she brought with her, setting both in and her onto the sands. "Never hurts to be prepared," she winks as several people peer at her, eyebrows arched. Those eyes turn back to the sands, though, and she squirms to get comfy. From the Galleries, Aurie grips the bench edge, leaning farther in a forward incline to view the array of activity, and eggs that pinball about the sands. Fingers take to tappity-tapping from their white knuckled grip, a march for the oval's procession . From the Galleries, Julesli sighs as the latest egg eases onto the sands. Seeing another familiar face, she waves at Alanis to come over to her side. Spectreth strains slightly as she hunkers down and pushes. Another egg hastens to take its place in the patternless formation that has begun to form on the sand. A matronly eye is cast over the building clutch of eggs. She moves her bulky form away from the latest that she has deposited, watching the glistening shell turn matte as it dries. The sparkle is gone and the egg no longer concerns her as picks her way to an unadorned spot of the sands where she proceedes to beautify the plain area with yet more eggs. One. Two. /Three/ -- Jisanth is given a firm glare. It is, after all, all /his/ fault that she's doing this. The least he could do is to *pretend* discomfort. From the Galleries, Nyzlann looks up, isn't he the popular one? He grins, "No, I don't believe so. Nyzlann Jisanth whuffles back in response. Lovingly his tongue flickers out over the air surrounding his maw, perhaps a prelude to what will come. From the Galleries, Nyzlann looks up, isn't he the popular one? He grins, "No, I don't believe so. Nyzlann here. you can call me Nyz if you's like." He extends a hand with a smile. As surely as the DragonHealer satnding next to her capitulates, Gamma smiles, soft eyes slanting sultry smug as she pulls May's hand away from Lady. "Not while she's clutching dear. Lady doesn't like for anyone to touch her except me when she has babies on the sands." A cool glance is sent T'lorward. "Would you at least like to say hi to her, bronzer? It's not like you didn't know she ever existed." The child, that is, not the dragon. From the Galleries, Camigwen whirls to grin broadly at Nyzlann. "Well met!" she holds out her hand. "Call me Cami. Telgar Weyr Guard," she explains. Hand is raised as she sees that there is no way that he can reach it if she is sitting. From the Galleries, Nyzlann smiles, "Well met. Cami. Aren't the eggs lovely?" From the Galleries, Sarilka sighs softly and settles into a chair. Looks like everyone's too busy. With a gentle plop, she falls, and peeks over the crowded heads, trying to get a better look at the eggs. From the Galleries, Troika has connected. May blinks, not likeing that at all, Lady is her friend, her playmate, and now she cant play with her? A pout covers this little ones face as she turns just enough so that she can see her father, not that she knows who he is though, shes just looking at what Mamma's lookin at. From the Galleries, Camigwen nods her head emphatically. "Oh, definatly. I just love the way they swirl. Not at all like firelizard eggs. They just glow a bit," she sighs, getting a distant look on her face. She scrunches over, making room for him on the pillow. "Wanna sit? It's awfully hot." From the Galleries, Aurie flickers a glance to Cami, and scenes are recalled. The tuberlady, right? A slight smile paints her face, but attention is reclaimed, to the gravitational pull of the space-hued eggs. Spectreth hunches low, the tip of her tail twitching wiht anticipation that does not betray her draining strength. A wave-like ripple rolls over her form, washing through her and shaping itself in muscles covered with golden hide. At last the wave breaks, crashing onto sandy shore: Elusive Disappearing DarkMatter Egg drips to a glistening roll to rest with the others already clutched. From the Galleries, Nyzlann smiles, "Sure." He slides over. "I love the way the colors miz as well....whole different world from firelizards. He suffles as the nexr egg is laid. From the Galleries, You overhear Sarilka whisper "... ... her Spectreth ... ... her ..." to T'arla. T'lor returns Gamma's look with an unreadable mixture of fear--yes--and something else. It wrinkles his brow, shifting them to knit above his nose. "Jisanth's fine." From the Galleries, Camigwen smiles wryly. "Tuber lady I am, Aurie." A wink is flashed, then her black curls spring around in time to see the laying of the youngest egg. "OOoohh!" From the Galleries, Julesli's Trader instints are itching her to do something about commiting the eggs' designs to a sheet of paper hoping to be able to convince, or rather, connive a glassmaker into making them for her. She pulls out a scetch pad and a carbon and roughly draws the outline and basic design of each of the eggs. Under them, she provides a description of the colors so the glass smith will know what to use. From the Galleries, T'arla leans over to look at Sarilka, and nods slightly "It's certainly uncomfortable, although I'd not have the nerve to ask her" she replies with a small grin. From the Galleries, Sarilka smiles. "I would think it would hurt..look at the size of the eggs!" she exclaims. With a thinly veiled irritation that the task isn't done /yet/, Specreth releases another egg onto the sand. She turns towards it and satisfies herself with the way it has been settled to grace the sand with its flamboyant affectation before moving to another chastened spot and depositing a matching egg in that place as well. Gamma, T'lor and May are forgotten for the moment, intent is the gold on packing sand tightly about the soft leathery surface of the latest precious addition to her clutch. From the Galleries, Noting the mention of size, Camigwen glances at her hand briefly. "Are they larger than this?" she holds the hand closer to her face. "I can't see /too/ well from this distance." She sighs, regreting the fact that she chose to wear her dress guard uniform onto the infamously hot sands. Cuilya has arrived. Cuilya walks toward Hatching Grounds Entrance. Spectreth turns her head quickly, eyes whirling red at the latest entry to the sands. Gamma and T'lor are to be expected, May's presence is tolerated, but the easily irritable -/uncomfortable/- gold hisses warningly at girl. From the Galleries, Cuilya has arrived. From the Galleries, Kaeden comments mischievously, "Tuber lady?" as Camigwen's introduction is overheard by young eavesdropping ears. "How's the hand feeling?" he asks in between dropped eggs. Spectreth strains visibly with this egg, far longer than with any of the others so far. And nothing appears from her efforts; nothing, that is, until she separates herself from the Nascent Glowing ProtoSun Egg new-laid in the sands, and fiery golden fury is visible, detached from the sunnier hues of the queen's hide. From the Galleries, Well! Isn't /she/ popular today! Camigwen vanquishes her other hand, the now healed one. Fingers wriggle experimentally. "Actually, its quite better," she giggles. "I burned my hand on a tuber," she explains to Nyzlann. From the Galleries, Aurie cocks her head. "Ah /wild/ tuber." she adds with a sideways smile, and then settles back down. From the Galleries, L'ren elbows T'arla in the ribs, painfully perhaps, pointing to the ProtoSun egg excitedly. "Look! Look at that one! I'll bet you a week's hidework that egg's gold!" Now is /hardly/ the time for an argument and going into that whole thing about May and her absentee father. Not like it's news or anything. Gamma suddenly /glares/ at the cause of the commotion, settling back her attention on the Dragon just as the latest egg is lain. She waits for the dragon to bury the egg somewhat, then reaches out to her. "I know you're tired, dear. Almost there, I think." From the Galleries, Manderallen has arrived. From the Galleries, T'arla cringes slightly, and nudges back. Oof. Her gaze was captured too intently on that egg for a moment, "No argument here! I'd bet my entire supply of Benden on it!" T'lor just stands there, silent. The only moment is the slow rise and fall of his chest. His dragon, however, is continuous movement. Whether it be the twitch of his tail tip or the rustle of wings at his side or even, the almost impatient licking of his jaws. From the Galleries, Camigwen whips her head around at the exclamations and whispers of fellow clutch-watchers. "A gold? Really?" she cranes her head, eyes slimming. "Is it, Nyzlann?" she asks, praying that his vision is better than hers. May is easily distracted, and again follows mamma's gaze out to the sands where her pouting face is changed to a cheerfully bright smile, "Pwetty eggie Mamma!" and she points in the general direction of the nest arival. From the Galleries, Manderallen stumbles quickly into the gallery, clothes disarrayed. Peering over the ledge he lest out a grumbling sigh, "Shards! I am late." From the Galleries, Nyzlann gulps and looks, "I think it might be Cami." He's never been to a dragon clutching before, but from the ballads, that looks like it could be one. Spectreth clutches this last egg close to her, beaming proudly as she settles it into the sand and lays a wing over it. Out of sight, out of mind. This position she seems intent to remain in, but the last of the eggs poken haphazardly from her belly seem to think otherwise. She tears herself from cradling the drying egg. From the Galleries, Kaeden hops up to see over shoulders that suddenly crowd in front of him at the arrival of the gold egg. "Oof, hey, watch it-- whoa..." he just gapes as the view finally clears. From the Galleries, Aurie's eyes narrow at the intense and glaring brightness on the new egg. Squinting. Too-clean. From the Galleries, L'ren chuckles, grinning at T'arla, quite pleased. "The first gold we've had at Telgar in Turns. I think you ought to break out your supply of Benden to celebrate!" He'll help drink it, that's for sure. From the Galleries, K'mra pipes up, at long last, beaming towards the other two riders. "Not since before Tyranoth was clutched, eh?" And never fear -- she'll help with that wine, as well. From the Galleries, Maia's eyes widen a bit, glancing around at the overheard conversation around her. A gold egg. "Wow," she says to herself. Spectreth's belly begins to show signs of shrinking now, more so after another pair of eggs are thrust from dam into the grip of hot sand. Exhaustion starts to make itself known and her usual flouncy manner is now slightly sedated. Maternal eye is cast over her much-adored clutch and she proudly beams to the bronze who had a part in its creation -- rather slight part, but a part nonetheless. "They're all pretty, dear. See how that one is sort of golden in color?" Gamma stop. Wait a minute. /ALL/ the eggs have some gold in them. Gamma peers over at Jisanth suspiciously. "What have you been feeding that dragon, dear?" she teases, the slip of gaze from bronze to rider nearly lost in the dropping of the latest egg. From the Galleries, Camigwen flicks her hand at Kae. "Hey, Kae! There's plenty a' room over here! Especially for the Healer-of-my-burns." Another wink goes flying, and she scrunches over more in her corner, "Nyzlann? It /might/ be? Gold eggs are usually bigger than the rest?" More of a statement than question, though. From the Galleries, Sasha nods at L'ren, coming out of her egg-induced daze. "Of course, the other golds mush have been waiting for Spec to have another one!" From the Galleries, Troika peers over the head of a child barely shorter than herself, eyes growing wide enough to show whites all the way around the browns. "What's happening? What is it? Ohhhhh," whispers the small Harper as finally her view clears and she can behold the entire clutch all at once, grandeur and hope encompassed in these orbs. From the Galleries, T'arla giggles, and then winks at her brother, "Plenty to celebrate this turn I'd say. Actually, I think I'll do that." A nod is given to K'mra, "A reason to celebrate for certain, isn't it?" Thoughtful glance is given, "Mmmm, why not. Party at my weyr tommorrow. Have to find a sitter for the kids after all" From the Galleries, Sarilka, just coming out of her daze, looks around and here's the conversation. "First gold in turns? Isn't that rather abnormal?" T'lor still stands silent, but a bronze head turns near the man to fixate tumultous gaze on Gamma. "He's fine," the rider answer Gamma's question. From the Galleries, Nyzlann nods, "I know, I've just never seen one beofre..." He watches in awe and eagerness. From the Galleries, Manderallen finishes looping his belt, and take a moment to tie up his shirt. Gazing out over the sands his eyes linger slowly of the eggs. He has heard so much, but this is the first time seeing it. Spectreth circles the sands, crooning low as she watches her clutch. Again and again her eyes cast protective glances over the clutch, swirls of gold seeming to melt and mingle in the damp heat of the sands that clings against her hide. She seeks, stepping carefully amid newly-clutched eggs, searching for just the right place. /There/. She stops, body undulating as one of the last lumps in her shrinking belly becomes Stark Churning Singularity Egg and is rolled into place with a victorious croon. From the Galleries, Sasha peers at Sarilka, lifting an eyebrow, "If we had golds in every clutch, the weyr would need to export dozens of them." Wonder what gold exporting would be like. From the Galleries, Camigwen nods in answer. Instead of speaking, she just sits. And peers at the sands and their heat-loving occupants. From the Galleries, L'ren casts a wink towards Sasha. "I do believe Spec was the last one to lay a gold, too. No doubt there's something to be said for experience." He beams at his sister. "A party at your place? Who all is invited?" He'll invite half the Weyr if he gets his wish. From a ledge above, Some drudges arrive to cart Lisa'n off to bed. From the Galleries, Kaeden ducks under a stray elbow and scoots over to the clear space offered by Camigwen. "Thanks," he grins, turning his eyes back to the sands just in time to see the last egg pushed into place. "This is.. wow," is his only comment. From the Galleries, "Oh, aye?" chimes K'mra cheerfully. "I could bring o'er a bit of my own wine, too, if needed?" She's been hoarding. Sshh. From the Galleries, Sarilka grins. "All Pern would be a huge weyr, filled with hundreds of golds.." she chuckles at the thought. "The skies would the filled to the brim with dragonwings." From the Galleries, Sasha shudders slightly. "We'd never get anything useful done. All it would be is gold flights here, gold flights there. Eggs bouncing all over the kitchens," she sticks out her tongue. "Sound horrid." From a ledge above, Some drudges arrive to cart Tamfay off to bed. May giggles sweetly as she nods to her mother, "Aww gowd, Wike Lady." only the last 'L' pronounced corectly. Then a bright little idea visibly springs to her mind, grey eyes flashing to brightness, "I can touch eggies?" she could help Lady keep them sand covered and play mama draggie and play with Lady too! From the Galleries, Aurie arches back, result of spine's protests. She smiles, general grime and good nature abound. "S'purty. Very new. An' I never thought there'd be so many." words are pasted together in jigsaw form, offered to the nearest bystander. From the Galleries, T'arla grins, "Well, anyone we want I suppose." Obviously as her brotherm he's invited, Duh. Clutchmates, of course, "Mmm, that'd be great K'mra" she nods, and then wrinkles her nose, "And, what would happen if more then one gold rose at once?" she sticks in there somewhere. "That could be disasterous if it happened unexpectedly" From the Galleries, L'ren chuckles at the discussion. "And if we had golds every clutching, what would there be to celebrate? Not to mention wager on." He winks, then casts his gaze around. Oh, definately, he'll be setting up a betting pool... From the Galleries, Sarilka hmms softly. "Is there any way to know what colors are in the other eggs?" From the Galleries, Manderallen steps back allowing his gangling height secure him a clear view. Talk of parties and past evens filter over him as he stops, frozen, and the appearance of another egg. Gold egg? He squints looking hard the clutch trying to pick it out. From the Galleries, Camigwen frowns slightly. "I remember in one of the old records I was reading back home that the senior gold always has the largest clutch. Do you know if that's true?" Eyes look upward, then sideways, to both Nyz and Kae. From the Galleries, Hmmm....A golden glass egg...that would go well in trade!, Julesli mutters to herself as she scribbles the design of this one as well. The beauty of the sands has been properly enriched, but Spectreth is not quite done yet. Another egg is revealed. She moves the egg, switching it with one nearby, and covers both with sand before casting an eye on an all /too/ bare spot that she decides one of her last eggs must be placed in. Weaving carefully among the already hardening eggs that have been properly placed and surrounded by warmth, she pauses and contemplates where to settle to await the next egg's eminent emergence. From a ledge above, Inaseth lands neatly on the ledge and furls her wings. From a ledge above, Inaseth holds out an elbow to assist Rowan in dismounting. From the Galleries, Cuilya Cuilya sits taking in every bit of said information with wide eyes and a huge grin on her face From the Galleries, Nyzlann thinks, "I know nothing. I've never been this close to dragons before in my entire life." From a ledge above, Rowan tosses a wave to the other riders on the ledges as she takes up a spot near the railing. "Hey." From the Galleries, K'mra laughs quietly, nodding an agreement. "Much safer fer browns an' blues," she intones. Greens, greens -- there's always greens. "Anyhow, it's an occasion when a gold's clutched -- assuming it is, that is." From the Galleries, L'ren shakes his head at Sarilka. "Not really. Sometimes people guess, and if you're into wagering, that's where the real Marks are made." Betting on the things people aren't certain about, you see. "Bronze eggs, they say, usually bear distinctive markings.... Blues and greens are smaller.... Though it's difficult to tell." From the Galleries, Camigwen agrees. "Me neither, except for one time when I petted a nice brown." Eyes widen as yet /another/ egg emerges from its gold mother. Hands rest behind her as she shifts her weight to them. "Shoulda brought a bigger pillow," she mutters, From the Galleries, Sasha smirks and shakes her head, smiling at Sarilka, "Don't let this bronzer fool you. They may wager all they want, but it's simply guessing. No one can tell what color is in which egg." From the Galleries, Nyzlann chuckles quietly as he surveys the sands at all of the eggs, wondering what lies inside each one of them. From the Galleries, Cuilya says in wonder to herself "Wow, thats a lot of eggs!!" From the Galleries, Malik goes home. Gamma slips up next to T'lor, a tad closer to Spectreth's head i her newly settled position. "Here, dear. Hold your daughter. I think Spectreth is tiring." She offers May with a swing of the hip. Jisanth watches that egg closely, peering at its surface with the fixed gaze of one meeting its match, perhaps. A whuffle is his way of greeting, before head turns to give necessary attention to the golden lady dominating the show. From the Galleries, T'arla suddenly stands up, and casts a glance towards the ledges before looking out towards the bowl. She mutters under her breath, and then sigh, "I have to go. Seems one of the kiddoes decided to, umm, get into some trouble", And with that she ruffle's her brothers hair, and then dashes out, waving to those she knows along the way. From the Galleries, Troika steps out of the Brownrider's way, eyes never leaving the Spectreth spectacle. From the Galleries, L'ren laughs at Sasha, trying to feign offense. "Hey, I've been right plenty of times in my guesses!" Though he's been wrong plenty of other times. He never even /looked/ at Adrith's egg when it was on the Sands. From the Galleries, Julesli was so busy putting eggs to paper that she never even thought of what may lay in each egg. Looking with renewed interest as she hears all the spectulation, she wonders herself which color could possibly be in each egg T'lor's attention is torn from Jisanth and Spectreth to the newest challenge--child. Not only Child, but HisChild. "W.. I..." Alright, fear cannot be kept at bay a moment more. Duty be dashed on star stones' harshness. He sputters some more as he backs up into nothing, then hits the rear foot of his lifemate. May grins and leans over clinging to T'lor as she did her mother and then turning to watch Mamma and Lady, then asks T'lor, because mamma didnt answer, "I touch eggs?" From the Galleries, Manderallen looks at the members of his company for the first time picking out familar faces to favor them with a smile. Lifting his brown eyes he looks again at the Gold dragon thinking she may lay again. For a moment he frowns, cold icy tendrils gripping him. Don't large clutches beging just before the fall of thread?! From the Galleries, Pondering the projected sales of a spyglass that could see inside eggs, Camigwen grins. "My, another one?" Very observant, isn't she? Eyes dart to the wall, where paintings depicting dragons airborn lay. From the Galleries, Sasha hugs her knees up to her chest as she rocks on the benches of the gallery. "Well, as long as no one does anything to the klah." Not the sacred klah! From a ledge above, Bunny lands neatly on the ledge and furls his wings. From the Galleries, Aurie soaks up more random conversation snippets, nodding, hmming, and ahhing in time. "Lotsa eggs, is for lotsa dragons. Bigger eggs for dem bigger dragons." she puts it all together. From a ledge above, Viewing Ledges swoons to the floor, mumbling something that sound like, 'Someday my prince will come!' From the Galleries, Aurie goes home. From the Galleries, Camigwen pulls her hand back from the intese sand's heat, the new skin on her hand cringing in protest. "Ever been ::between::?" she asks of Kae and Nyz, or, for that matter, anyone. From the Galleries, Nyzlann shakes his head, "I hear it's pretty frightful, though I doubt it would bother me too much." There's that manly testosterone thing going on...nothing could scare him...yeah right. Hours, Turns, Months.. It feels like this and longer to Spectreth. Pulling herself slightly past Gamma, clear after inspecting an earlier-clutched egg, the gold sinks down one last time. The final bulge that pushed against her side is now pushed outward. Out. Out -/out/! With a grunt, the last of the last is deposited into hot sand and sand is moved to cover and shelter it. Tired, the gold moves back towards one egg that she cradles closely as she settles heavily onto the sand. From the Galleries, Manderallen breaks his stare at the sands to turn and nod at Camigwen. "I have, a few times. It's a means to an end, but nothing to look forward too." Goosebumps appear on his arms, remembering. From the Galleries, Nyzlann smiles, "Was that the last one?" He is in deffinate heaven. Such spectacular sights and all new ones at that. From the Galleries, Cuilya shivers at the tought "Sounds Scary..." From the Galleries, Camigwen blinks lidded eyes. "Really? I don't know if it would /scare/ me, but that feeling of cold and.. an empty /nothing/ is erie, I think." She smiles, pausing to wipe a sweat bead from her raven brow. From the Galleries, Sasha shinks a little more, "Is it just me, or does all that clutching look really painful? Or at least tiring?" She frowns, and continues to watch as she rocks in her seat. From the Galleries, Sarilka winces. "That /really/ looks like it hurts. Remind me never to lay eggs!" From the Galleries, L'ren casts a wink towards Sasha. "Doesn't that just make you want to have a little Mimosa of your very own?" From the Galleries, Cuilya grins"Its like having a LOT of kisd at one time!" From the Galleries, Julesli thinks the clutching is done and carefully puts away her pad. "I wonder if there's going to be a party after this..." From the Galleries, Nyzlann overhears Sarilka's comment and can't resist the chuckle. With a sigh of sxasperatiion, Gamma puts maybe on the cot and leaves her there, padding through the sand to Spectreth and running a soft hand over her hide. "This is a fine clutch, Lady. Twenty seven this time." She peers around at all the goldish eggs. "And perhaps /one/ of these bright yellow things is a gold, hmm?" From a ledge above, Some drudges arrive to cart Rowan off to bed. T'lor swallows, hard, turns and flees in the pause. Hatching Grounds Entrance The sky is clear and bright without a cloud to be seen. Belior is waning from three-quarters full and Timor is slightly more than three-quarters full. It is a summer night. From here you can go: Bowl Sands Stairs to Galleries (Jisanth) T'lor wanders toward Hatching Grounds Entrance.